The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD): How Intelex Supports the Evolution of Materiality and ESG Reporting

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is increasing the ESG reporting responsibilities of many organizations. For EU businesses, global businesses that have EU operations and any other organization that includes EU businesses in their supply chain, the new CSRD requirements are going to expand the obligations for reporting ESG data.

CSRD expands the definition of materiality to include both financial materiality and impact materiality. This “double materiality” concept will require significantly more insight into your organization’s impact on the environment in which it operates. It could also mean more extensive disclosures from your supply chain. These requirements will have both direct and indirect impacts on many businesses around the world.

How Intelex Supports the Evolution of Materiality and ESG Reporting

This Insight Report provides a detailed look at how CSRD expands on existing requirements and what this means for your business. You will learn about the following:

  • Why many businesses that did not have to report under NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive) must do so under CSRD.
  • How double materiality differs from traditional materiality.
  • How Intelex can help support CSRD reporting requirements with applications like Corporate Reporting for ESG.